01444 522 500

We provide expert chimney repairs for homeowners in Balls-Cross.

Homeowners in Balls-Cross have, for over a decade, enjoyed the services of JG Leadwork and Roofing Sussex, and in particular our chimney repair services. Chimneys are prone to damage due to their exposure to fauna, wildlife, and the natural elements. This is why they need constant maintenance and repair. Overlooking chimney maintenance may lead to serious complications that may go ahead to incur significant liabilities or damages to your family. Our services are available to all homeowners, and once called upon, we guarantee you an efficient repair work, and full satisfaction. JG Leadwork and Roofing Sussex chimney repair staff can handle any scale of maintenance and repair, even during emergencies. Residents in Balls-Cross can get in touch with us any time of the day, as our customer service personnel are ready to attend to you.

Our Guarantee

  • Free site visit and survey
  • No hidden costs
  • British standards compliant
  • Fully Insured
  • Clean and efficient
  • Professional workmanship

Certified Chimney Repair Staff Utilizing the Best in Modern Technology

Our clients benefit from chimney repair professionals who are not just well-trained but are also updated in the industry’s best practices. Apart from our promise of quality that is provided with each technician, JG Leadwork and Roofing Sussex staff are also highly respectful and courteous- ensuring that you are accorded the necessary level of courtesy and respect.

Let’s Make Sure your Chimney Works Even Better Than Expected

Faulty chimneys negatively impact the efficiency of stoves and fireplaces significantly, and could even pose a threat to you and your family. Homeowners should not ignore breaks in their chimney, as this could lead to severe fire damage to your home. Chimney breaks could occur at any point, and should never be ignored. Many homeowners think that they save money by ignoring minor faults to the chimney. However, little cracks in the chimney crown could go on ahead to become exacerbated- causing significant damage to the internal parts of the chimney.

Homeowners may find it difficult to spot these faults at first, but the faults will persist and become more and more dangerous, and could lead to even more serious problems in the future. JG Leadwork and Roofing Sussex employs the use of only the most cutting edge industry techniques to handle all manner of issues regardless of their scale. The scale of the damage to your chimney can be properly assessed by our staff due to their use of high tech equipment. With this, we are able to decide on the appropriate solution.

We handle all chimney problems for residents in Balls-Cross.

Residents of Balls-Cross have to deal wth fires and health problems due to hazardous chimneys. It is always better to be safe than sorry, and this applies more than ever to the continued efficiency of your chimney. Residents in the region where we operate know our promise at JG Leadwork and Roofing Sussex, which is to deliver only the highest levels of quality, no matter what. In the eventuality of these chimney related complications, we are always ready to attend to all of our client requests as quickly as possible. Do not waste any time to get in touch with us once you notice any chimney problems that require our attention. We are well capable of handling immense chimney related problems as much as we are able to handle even the minor problems, all day of the week. Customers in Balls-Cross testify to the level of effort we put into ensure that our customers are completely satisfied with the level of effort we put into our services. Quick Chimney Repair? Call us now: 01444 522 500

My Builder

At JG Leadwork and Roofing Sussex, our customer service policy ensures that we are always finding the most efficient methods with which our customers would be able to reach us at any time they are in need of chimney repair services. You can find us at a number of industry and service review websites where you can find customer testimonials on our services. Rated people especially shows an accurate depiction of the quality of service we have managed to provide to our clients over the years. This helps us in pooling together the thoughts of our customers, understanding what aspects of our service needs to be reworked, while new clients can also see just how efficient we are at doing our Job.

Due to our level of consistent delivery, we have managed to become one of the leading chimney repair companies on the trade review site, Tursted Roofing Contractors. We ensure that our services are extremely affordable and provide good value for money- this has helped us to develop a quite favorable reputation. In the Balls-Cross area, we are among the companies that are highly recommended in Tursted Roofing Contractors. Our reputation for delivering only high quality chimney repair services has been further verified by the level of feedback we have received from Tursted Roofing Contractors.

The JG Leadwork and Roofing Sussex experience

We Stand Out When it Comes To Chimney Repair

We work hard with our technicians to ensure that they are capable of handling whatever problems, as they are completely trained in chimney repairs.We invest in our technicians, ensuring that they are always informed of advances in the chimney repair industry and ensuring that they are always ready to serve you even much better than before. We work hard and around the clock to ensure that all client need s are met and even exceeded.

Customers can rest assured in our ability to satisfy their needs

With us, you can be rest assured that not only will your project be speedily completed, but it shall also be carried out with the highest safety standards in mind, ensuring the process is clean and efficient. Our specialists are adept at ensuring that the site where the project is being carried out is not affected by the repair work; we make sure of this by ensuring the initial inspection thoroughly accounts for all elements of the site before the project begins in full.

No strings attached quotations for our repair services

Our customers in Balls-Cross can rely on our staff for quick and reliable assistance anytime they call. Customer service is not just a buzzword for us - we are ready to answer any concern you may have when it comes to chimney repair issues. Please do not hesitate to contact us once you discover you need some chimney related assistance, as we are always on standby to attend to all customer complaints.

Swift Solutions to your Chimney Repair Problems

Once we inspect your chimney, we are able to identify what exactly may be wrong with it. We strive to identify the root cause of your chimney problems to implement the correct solution, and avoid unnecessary costs so you stay within budget.

Chimney repair teams you can rely on in Balls-Cross

Our track record is easily verified, and once you enquire you will discover that hundreds of satisfied customers will agree that our repair services are unrivalled in the industry today. Nothing adds more charm to a home than a fully functioning chimney, and we are able to help you achieve this at JG Leadwork and Roofing Sussex.

Do You Need Help ? Call Us 01444 522 500